Pocket, a subsidiary of Mozilla
2018 - Present, staff software engineer, machine learning & recommendations
FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc. (FXPAL)
2017 - 2018, principal research scientist
2013 - 2017, senior research scientist, integrative analytics group lead
2004 - 2012, senior research scientist
2000 - 2004, research scientist
NetCapita, Inc. (dissolved)
1999 - 2000, consulting software engineer
Technology transfered to Animetrics, Inc.
Center for Imaging Science,
The Johns Hopkins University
1998 - 1999, research assistant
Center for Imaging Science,
Washington University in St. Louis
1996 - 1998, research assistant
Genome Sequencing Center,
Washington University in St. Louis
1995 - 1996, programmer analyst
D.Sc., Electrical Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis, 1999
Thesis: Infomation Measures for Object
Advisor: Michael I. Miller
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 1993
Minor: Computer Science
ACM Distinguished Member, 2016
ACM Senior Member, 2010
IEEE Senior Member, 2009
Boeing-McDonnell Foundation Fellowship, 1998-1999
State of Missouri Bright Flight Scholarship, 1989-1993
D. Avrahami, M. Patel, Y. Yamaura, S. Kratz, and M. Cooper.
Unobtrusive Activity Recognition and Position Estimation for Work Surfaces using RF-radar Sensing
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 10(1), 2019.
J. Zhao, C. Bhatt, M. Cooper, and D. Shamma.
Flexible Learning with Semantic Visual Exploration and Sequence-Based Recommendation of MOOC Videos.
Proc. of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Paper No.: 329 Pages 1-13, 2018.
M. Cooper, J. Biehl, G. Filby, S. Kratz. LoCo: Boosting for indoor location classification combining Wi-Fi and BLE. Personal and Ubiquitious Computing, 20: 83-96, 2016.
L. Denoue, M. Cooper, and S. Carter. Searching Live Meetings: "Show me the Action".
Proc. ACM Document Engineering, 2015.
M. Cooper. Clustering geo-tagged photo collections using dynamic programming.
Proc. ACM Multimedia (MM '11), 1025-1028, 2011.
J. Pickens, M. Cooper, and G. Golovchinsky. Reverted Indexing for Feedback and Expansion.
Proc. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), 1049-1058, 2010.
J. Adcock, M. Cooper, L. Denoue, H. Pirsiavash, and L. Rowe. TalkMiner: A Lecture Webcast Search Engine.
Proc. ACM Multimedia (MM '10), 241-250, 2010.
M. Cooper, Image Categorization Combining Neighborhood Methods and Boosting.
Proc. ACM Multimedia Workshop on Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval and Mining, p. 11-18, 2009.
M. Cooper, T. Liu, and E. Rieffel.
Video Segmentation via Temporal Pattern Classification.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 9(3):610-618, 2007.
M. Cooper, J. Foote, A. Girgensohn, and L. Wilcox.
Temporal Event Clustering for Digital Photograph Collections.
ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 1(3):269--288, 2005.
2014 LoCo: A Ready-to-deploy Framework for Indoor Location-driven Experiences.
Dept. of EECS, University of California, Berkeley.
2014 Multimedia Retrieval at FX Palo Alto Laboratory.
Industry Day at 2014 ACM Intl. Conf on Multimedia Retrieval, University of Glasgow, U.K.
2011 Searching and Archiving Presentations.
Dept. of Computer Science Special Lecture Series, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
2008 Media Analysis and Visualization at FXPAL.
Kodak Research Labs Distinguished Lecture Series. Rochester, NY.
2008 Visualizing Multimedia Structure.
Center for Imaging Science Weekly Seminar Series.
Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY.
2007 Visualizing Multimedia Structure.
Graduate Seminar Series. Dept. of Computer Science, San Francisco State Univeristy. San Francisco, CA.
Associate Editor:
Journal of Multimedia (JMM) 2011 - 2018
Springer Multimedia Systems Journal (MMSJ) 2015 - 2018
External Journal Reviewer:
Multimedia Systems Journal,
Journal of Multimedia (JMM),
Machine Vision and Applications,
ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP / TOMM),
IEEE MultiMedia,
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
SPIE Optical Engineering,
Journal of the Optical Society of America A
Conference Organization and Reviewing:
Steering Committee Member
TRECVID 2016-2019
Area Chair
ACM Multimedia (multiple years),
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) (multiple years),
IEEE Intl. Symposium on Multimedia (multiple years)
Workshop co-organizer
3rd Intl. Workshop on Socially-Aware Multimedia at ACM Multimedia 2014
2nd Intl. Workshop on Socially-Aware Multimedia at ACM Multimedia 2013
Program Committee Member
ACM Conf. on Multimedia,
ACM Conf. on Multimedia Modeling,
ACM Intl. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval,
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo,
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing,
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Semantic Computing,
ACM/IEEE Joint Conf. on Digital Libraries,
SPIE IS&T Electronic Imaging Multimedia Content & Access,
Intl. Conf. on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies,
World Wide Web (WWW)